Group of four diverse women sitting on a couch doing a hand in gesture.

WBEC Pacific Certification + Membership

We provide certification for Women-Owned Businesses

Women’s Business Enterprise Council Pacific was incorporated in 2000 to support women-owned business Certification, Opportunities, Resources, and Engagement. Certification gives a woman-owned business validation as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE), and the business classification as a diverse-owned business.


WBEC Pacific is a Regional Partner Organization (RPO) of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council.

Photo of an Asian woman smiling in a beige apron inside a building standing in front of weathered cyan window shutters.

Getting WBENC-Certified through WBEC Pacific

Get the WBENC-Certified Advantage

Certifying women-owned businesses is the foundation of WBENC’s mission, a legacy that is carried on for over 20 years.

WBENC Certification is nationally recognized and preferred by more than 550+ Corporate and Government Partners.

The WBENC network and serves as a resource and training platform that can help a WBENC-Certified WBE grow their capacity and compete in real time business opportunities.

WBENC Certification Standards

WBENC Certification attests that the business is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women — and women owners are the principal decision makers or managers of the business.

The Certification process is administered for WBENC by one of its 14 Regional Partner Organizations. For the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Northern California, WBENC Certification is administered by WBEC Pacific.

Want to Learn Direct from Our Certification Team?

Our monthly Why Certify? webinar is a fantastic opportunity to hear from our Director of Certification on the benefits of WBENC Certification through WBEC Pacific. Each session provides time for participants to ask questions pertaining to the process and their own business. Sign up for the next available Why Certify? session through our Event Calendar.

Usage Rights for WBENC and SBA Logos

WBENC-Certified WBE logo with silver backdrop. NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE is watermarked over the image.

WBENC-Certified Seal

WBEs can show off their status as a WBENC-Certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) using the WBE Seal.

Best for proposals, business cards, websites and other B2B collateral.

This seal is most widely recognized among procurement and supplier diversity professionals.

Women Owned logo with silver backdrop. NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE is watermarked over the image.

Women Owned Logo

WBEs can make it clear to consumers that they are a women-owned business with the official Women Owned Logo, available only for WBENC or WEConnect International Certified WBEs.

Best for consumer-facing materials including product packaging, labels, marketing collateral, websites, and other digital marketing.

Small Business Alliance Woman Owned Small Business logo with silver backdrop. NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE is watermarked over the image.


Certified firms may use the digital icons on their business’ website, business cards, social media profiles, and in their capability statements and proposal bids. However, they may not use the digital icon to express or imply endorsement of any goods, services, entities, or individuals. Thus, they may not be used on a company’s letterhead, marketing materials or advertising, whether paid or Public Service Announcement (PSA), traditional or digital. 

Women-owned Small Business Certification

A WOSB Certification is an SBA Federal requirement to qualify for the WOSB Federal Contracting Program. We offer WOSB certification at no extra cost. To get WOSB-Certified, the business must have a valid WBENC Certification, and the majority woman-owner must be a US Citizen.